Services by Optimal Vitality



Gentle Movement & Sound Meditation:

I’ve taken a seasonal break from teaching yoga classes. Stay tuned for the return of classes in early summer!


Holistic Coaching Sessions


Intuitive Coaching & Reiki Session
1 hour 30 minutes // $135.00

Catered to the client’s intentions, Jodi intuitively combines lifestyle and mindset coaching with energy work and sound healing, breath work, meditation and visualization practices to develop new lifestyle habits, as well as transformational experiences on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level to enhance and accelerate the healing journey.

I’m feeling so grateful for my renewed health, that I can exercise again, breathe deeply and enjoy moments with my kids without pain or brain fog. I had a lot of guidance, healing facilitators and practitioners, coaches and support. I have so many to thank, so many willing to help me heal. And I get it. Because all I want to do now is help others do the same. Sharing these healing tools I’ve gained on my journey is as fulfilling as it gets! I believe in energy work. I believe in meditation, in sound healing. I believe in yoga: in breathe, movement and mindset to create an optimal healing environment for the body. And I want to share it.
— Sarah D.

Reiki Sessions


Introductory Reiki Healing
1 hour 30 minutes // $95.00

First time visits only. Extended Reiki session to identify wellness needs, set intentions and then receive a healing session that improves energetic flow, helps release blocks and restore balance, reduces stress, promotes relaxation and improved overall vitality.

Intuitive Reiki Healing Session 1 hour 30 minutes // $135.00 60 min // $95

Incorporates Usui Holy Fire III, Karuna Reiki and Antojai Quantum Reiki frequencies to increase energetic flow, remove blocks, reduce stress, promote relaxation, restore balance and improve vitality. Will include Chakra Clearing & Balancing.

It can also include a combo of Sound Bowls, Meditative Drumming, Breath Work, Quantum Meditation, Soul Retrieval, Cord Cutting, Shadow or Inner Child healing for an optimal healing experience for the body, mind and spirit.

So Jodi has super powers. I went to see her because I had shoulder pain for 9 months that hadn’t responded to massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, or physical therapy. I was set to get an MRI and probably injections or surgery. 24 hours after my reiki session with her my shoulder feels 90 % better. I was able to lift weights with no pain. On top of that I gained some real insights from her work and feel more balanced in my health, heart and soul. Thank you, Jodi Pierce.
— Vince C.

Meditation & Sound


Quantum Meditation & Reiki Integration
60 minutes // $95.00

Reach a deeper state of relaxation, expand your awareness and connect to your higher self through a guided Quantum Expansion meditation. Activate supportive energies to align with your intentions, then integrate, balance & align energetically through hands-on or distance Reiki.

Sound Healing Reiki Session
1 hour // $95.00
Can incorporate crystal sound bowls, drumming and other vibrational tools to enhance or facilitate the healing session.


Soul Retrieval


Soul Retrieval Session
1 hour // $95.00

Remove emotional blocks, heal trauma, restore vitality and heal stuck fragments of the self through energy medicine, meditation and drum journey techniques.

Private Group Soul Retrieval Sound Bath

1 hour 30 min // 2 people - $50.00 each, 3-4 people - $40 each, 5+ people - $30 each




Intro to Energy Medicine Workshop

Harness vibrational frequencies that activate your ability to heal, repair and create. We will learn the science of energy medicine and learn techniques to release emotional blocks, shift out of mental stress loops and restore vitality throughout the body.

Quantum Reiki Level 1 & 2

Expand your Quantum Reiki practice & learn how to facilitate energetic healing, alignment, and expansion experiences for others. We will also further exploration of universal laws for greater life alignment, harmony & purpose.




Total Transformation Program
12 x 1 hour 30 minutes

Join the supportive energetic container in a 12 week progressive program of Holistic Coaching and Intuitive Energy & Reiki Healing to improve & enhance your health & wellbeing, reduce chronic stress and anxiety patterns, learn energetic hygiene tools & discover your optimal vitality.

I’m currently accepting new applicants!


Contact Me Here!